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bnc10 com

  1. bnc10 - Your bank alternative. No commissions, Easy and Clear!

    By bank transfer from another account. By instant card load form another card. By getting your salary paid to your bnc10 account.

  2. Frequently asked questions - bnc10

    • bnc10 card and account conditions. • How do I deposit money into my account? • How many times can I get cash for free?

  3. About us - bnc10

    Why was bnc10 born? bnc10 is the banking alternative from Barcelona that exists to bend finance rules, far from traditional banks. We talk to those who don’t want their day to turn sour because of...

  4. Account limits - bnc10

    · You can’t deposit money into the bnc10 account through a cash deposit at ATMs. It must be done by bank transfer from another account, by instant card load from another card...

  5. bnc10 Insurances - bnc10

    2. Hire it in 5 clicks from the bnc10 app.

  6. Press - bnc10

    “bnc10, la primera Fintech en España que integra Telegram y WhatsApp para la atención al cliente“. ElDiario.es. “Neobancos: cara y cruz del fenómeno que compite con la banca por el público joven”.

  7. Blog - bnc10

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